«Time is the best author;
Always find a perfect ending «
Charles Chaplin.
& nbsp;
Location Manager, Director of Photography, Producer
Ezequiel Copley Professional photographer
- Audiovisual photographer and Jeweler.
- He was born in Argentina, Buenos Aires.
- He has lived in Costa Rica for 20 years.
- Lives in Puerto Viejo de Talamanca.
- Location Manager and Producer.
- Costa Rican Caribbean Specialist.
- English – Spanish
I have been working in the film production industry for the last 15 years. I have been through many positions in a filming crew;) that experience has taught me to be versatile and to know how filming works from various points of view.
My world is production and feeling that I am that continuous action is what makes me be alive. Being a freelance and adding the experience gained gave me the opportunity to work with great production companies and excellent directors at an international and national level.

Another of my passions is Author jewelry, it is created with innovative materials and is characterized by the daring size of its jewelry and materials that it adapts to pieces of art.
He has worked for years in his workshop in the South Caribbean from where he is inspired by the Talamanqueña jungle and the Caribbean Sea, place of the Calypso and the Afro-Costa Rican cultures that are his main influence.